Back To School

School days are just around the corner... But don't fret, because the end of Summer means the beginning of something new, something exciting. We've stocked our stores with the things you really want to buy for the year ahead.


We start with the backpack. It must be durable, indeed, but it must be stylish, since it will be hugging the body for the next 9 months (and beyond). Bonus points if your chosen backpack also helps to provide education for children in developing nations.

Who says notebooks and pencils can't be downright adorable? We believe the things you use the most should be as attractive as possible. Ditch that jaundiced No. 2 pencil and grab some with pizzazz!

Even if school days are behind you, there's something in the air as the start of the Fall semester arrives. Treat yourself to a new notebook or journal and a charming bouquet of newly sharpened pencils (You've Got Mail, anyone?). Buy yourself that new book your well-read friend has been telling you about (better yet, borrow it). Whatever it may be, snap up something useful yet nice for yourself as you head straight into Autumn.

We know the #BTS shopping lists are long, but after you grab the glue and whatnot, come see us at The Trove (or sister store, The FIND) for the more exciting supplies (and extras) on your list!

The Graduate

Graduation from high school and college is a magical time. Full of hope and promise, and a little bit of trepidation (most likely) this transitional time is made better by supportive friends and family.

While doling out wisdom, advice and tales of your own experiences, hand over a cool token to commemorate the happy occasion. Peep these popular, functional and stylish options below, handpicked to reflect the schools your grad may be leaving or headed towards, for extra thoughtfulness points. 

As always, there's a ton more in store and we're happy to help you find the most unique gift for your special grads.

Back to School

We Trovesters love the excitement of the period of time known as back to school. For some, the procurement of glossy folders, crisp reams of paper and a fresh backpack is the charm. For others, it's that the kids won't be underfoot all day, every day, asking for a snack or begging for screen time because "I'm booooooooored..." For many, it's a bit of both.

But really, this back to school vibe is akin to the feeling we get on New Year's Day. A fresh start, the newness of it all... it's intoxicating, exciting and full of promise. New shoes, a stylish tin for writing instruments and the coolest of cool water bottles make sitting in class a bit more amusing. And, if the alarm clock is cute, it just might not be as annoying to wake up early for History 101.

Luckily for you and your little (or big) learners, we Trovesters started our back to school shopping months ago, so that you could do some of yours right now, in #thenoke, at The Trove. 

While we don't stock dry erase markers, loose leaf paper and tissue boxes, we have the extras that make it all that much more fun.

Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.
— Tom Hanks as Joe Fox in You've Got Mail

Shop the most unique and stylish back to school goods at The Trove!